More Writing Cometh

Writing is often a lot of work. The last two terms at The Seattle School have been a lot of writing. That writing has dominated my world, not just my writing world.  Because of that domination it’s been a very long time since I’ve written anything on this blog. That doesn’t mean my joy of writing has subsided. In fact my love has grown.

I’ve tried to hone my writing this year. When entering grad school I imagined that I’d become a better writer. In one sense that is something that just results from this level of education. Like anything else there a point where you can get a passing grade and not work any more. I wanted more out of my writing. So, I put more into my writing this year. It’s seemed to pay off.

I sought out help. I met with one of the Assistant Instructors (AI) specifically to help me become a better writer. Through that meeting and reflections from it I’ve come up with something I call my Writing Liturgy. It helps me stay on track and takes the anxiety out of the process.

There is more to come.  Now that I’m headed into the break between Spring and Summer terms I’ll have more time to write about things I want to write about. I hope I have readers left that will read it. Honestly, now I’ll be writing for me. Feel free to join me in that.

Thanks for stopping by. Be uncommon.

2 thoughts on “More Writing Cometh

  1. I look forward to learning about the witting liturgy. Especially due to your testimony that it curbs anxiety surrounding writing. Thanks for the post. We, your readers, look forward to the evolution of your craft.

  2. Hi Randy Wow, great to here from u. Sounds like the great northwest is treating u well. Still pushing patients at lakeland. My best to u and your family. God bless u.

    Sent from my LG Smartphone on Sprint


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